With the Blessings of HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamy JET USA,MN Chapter celebrated Sri Jayanthi in a very grand manner on the 3 rd September 2018 & we hade representation from local community and PRAJNA students
With the Blessings of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamy JET USA,MN Chapter celebrated Sri Jayanthi in a very grand manner on the 3 rd September 2018 , with the representation from local community and PRAJNA students . Event started with recitation of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam. It was a great fortune to see a number of enthusiastic kids dressed as Sri Krushna and Gopikas, kids as little as 2.5 yrs – 7 yrs participated in fancy dress giving us a glimpse of Vrindavanam!. The next event was dance performance by Prajna students on Sri Madhura:sthakam. Dance was composed by our Prajna teacher, Saila Bala Ramanuja Dasi. As the kids were in the middle of the dance blessings were showered in the form rain and It was amazing to see kids complete the dance in the rain. Our Prajnya student Sarvagnya Vempati sang Annamacharya Keertana ‘Itti Mudduladi Baludu’. The most awaited event of the day was the Utti (Pot Breaking). This event was thoroughly enjoyed by all ( kids, parents , grandparents in our Gosthi). Boys team (Krushna’s team )won the competition over Gopikas. It was Gopikas gift to Kannan’s team on his Thirunakshatram. We concluded the event with having Maha Prasadam at 06:30 PM with all the devotees. What made the celebration so special was that Kids were starting new academic year in the public school on Sept 4th with Sri Krushna in their thoughts