JET USA,MN Chapter celebrated Guru Purnima with Prajna students and devotees on 27th July 2018 at Plymouth PRAJNA Center
JET USA,MN Chapter celebrated Guru Purnima with Prajna students and devotees starting by recitation of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam. There was a group discussion about the significance of the day. The day is important on account of Lord Narayana going into Yoga Nidra & Sage Veda Vyasa’s Thirunakshatram (birthday). In Yoga Nidra Lord Narayana thinks about what must be done in this world to better the lives of Jivas who are suffering on account of un-ending karmas which are binding them in this world. He identifies some people, who are our Gurus, to guide rest of Jivas to attain eternal bliss. On this day we also remember Veda Vyasa who is considered as Guru of Gurus on account of his compilation of Vedas & many puranas.
Participants also discussed why acharya is important by giving the example of relationship between Sun (God) , Lotus Flower (Jivas) & Water (Acharya) and also Shabari story from Ramayana who waited for Lord Sri Rama to come, and greeted him with hospitality. By following her guru’s instructions she received liberation. The day was concluded with Prajna students leading bhajans on Bhagawad Ramanua & paying respect to their Prajna teachers.