Prajna Uchcha:Rana Certification Program
By Rajesh Kalidindi @ Global LMiG, Posted 31-Oct-2024


The PRAJNA Uchcha:rana Certification Program aims to help PRAJNA teachers master PRAJNA notations and perfect their pronunciation (Uchcha:rana). ​ This program ensures that PRAJNATM teachers master both the theoretical and practical aspects of PRAJNA notations and pronunciation, contributing to the preservation and accurate transmission of traditional texts.

Scope of Evaluation


  1. Varnotpatti stha:nam’s and related letters : Kanttya:ha, Tha:lavya:ha, Mu:rdhanya:ha, Danthya:ha, O:shttavya:ha
    • Kanttya:ha (ka varga) - Gutturals: ka, kha, ga, gha, nga ​
    • Tha:lavya:ha (cha varga) - Palatals: cha, chha, ja, jha, nya ​
    • Mu:rdhanya:ha (ta varga) - Cerebral: ta, tta, da, dda, na ​
    • Danthya:ha (tha varga) - Dental: tha, ttha, da, dha, na ​
    • O:shttavya:ha (pa varga) - Labial: pa, pha, ba, bha, ma ​
    • Semivowels: ya (palatal), ra (cerebral), la (dental), va (dental+labial) ​
    • Sibilants: sa (palatal), sha (cerebral), sa (dental) ​
    • Aspirant: ha (gutturals) ​
  2. Long Vowel Letters, Aspirated letters, Sibilants, Semivowels, and PRAJNATM Grammar rules ​


  1. Translate a slo:ka from non-PRAJNA notation (e.g., Ra:ma:yanam slo:ka in Telugu/English/Devanagari script) to PRAJNA notation format (English script) ​
  2. Listen to a slo:ka and identify pronunciation errors (uchcharana dosha’s) ​
  3. Recite a slo:ka without pronunciation errors ​

Certification Levels (Proposal)

Level 1

  • Objective: Expertise in identifying PRAJNA Notations and grammar rules ​
  • Test Mode: Written / Online ​
  • Exam Content: Identify Varnotpatti stha:nam’s, letters based on Varnotpatti stha:nam’s, different PRAJNA notations, and grammar rules ​in 10 slo:ka's

Level 2

  • Objective: Expertise in translating any slo:ka into PRAJNA notation format ​and Perfect Pronunciation as per PRAJNA notation and grammar rules. 
  • Test Mode: Written / Online ​
  • Exam Content: Translate 10 slo:ka's from non-PRAJNA notation in Telugu/English to PRAJNA notation without mistakes. Identify pronunciation errors in 10 slo:ka's ​

Level 3

  • Objective: Perfect Pronunciation of any slo:ka as per PRAJNA notations and grammar rules ​
  • Test Mode: Viva voce (verbal) / Online ​
  • Exam Content: Recite 10 slo:ka's in PRAJNA notation without mistakes ​

Participants scoring more than 95% at each level will be recognized at the JET 2025 Convention. ​

Assessment Content

  • Practice Tests by topic (Kahoot) ​
  • Final Tests on all topics (classmarker – accessed through prajna4me) ​


Please watch this space for more details about the timeline. 

Any feedback or questions about this program, please contact psc AT jetusa DOT org